Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Earlier on this summer we had Max. Only about 5 or 6 years only, Max was determined, and destined, to catch a fish. Off he went to the end of the dock each day to catch that elusive big one, the one that we always hear about getting away.
The excitement of catching that first one is unforgettable. The tug on the hook, the bend of the rod and frantic reeling in of that fish. Pull it up quick and steady, keep tension on the line and get it on shore before it escapes. That was Max, catching his fish. It wasn't a big one, but it was a great one! And the great one did not get away. Yah!!
By the end of the week Max had his signature on just about every fish at the end of the dock. Needless to say those fish were very well fed, figuring that another worm was well worth the trip to the surface and another poke in the lip.

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FrankM said...
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